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Water for


Implementation year: 2022

Status: Running

Project Brief

Sodana Village which contains 1137 residents can only rely on springs as a source of meeting their water needs. This water reservoir is also located far from the center of community settlements, so it takes more than 4 hours to reach the reservoir through hilly topography only to carry water. This issue became the main seed that gave birth to other problems, such as: poverty, weak human resources, lack of education, and malnutrition.

Project Design and Simulation

Solar Chapter wants to build a solar-powered pump to bring clean water from Bulung Springs to Sodana Village. The water tap points in Harona Mutu, Wetena and Kabu Kangali have been chosen because of their location is close to where the residents live. By working with the villagers and the local BAPPEDA, we, Solar Chapter, hope that the Water for Sodana project can help the people of Sodana fulfill Indonesia's main human right: Clean Water.

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The picture above is an illustration of the pump design that we will build in Sodana village. We plan to pump water from the Bulung spring to the lower reservoir using a ~10 meter long pipe. After that, our pumping system will deliver water to the Sodana Reservoir, which is 778 meters from the Bulung Springs, with a height difference of 78 meters.

Project Details


1.137 Villagers


6930 WP


76 meter


48.000 L/Day

Implementation Journey


Day 1

Our implementation team arrived in the evening of Aug 14. Our first agenda was meeting the Regent of Southwest Sumba, Head of District Military Command and the Head of the local Public Works and Public Housing department. We shared our work in Solar Chapter and hope that we can work together hand in hand in the future.

Financial report

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